The exhibition displays items which range from the collections of Mrs Rita Bargna to the studies of the Art Lyceum Melotti.
A magical journey through time, history and culture that will take us from the XVIII century in France, with its charme, gracefulness and gallantry to modern inspirations designed by the students of the Lyceum.
Through the elegant laces à la Valencienne to the delicate chantillys and the lavish alancons, the thread of memory brings back to life marvelous tables embellished by crystals and the finest porcelains with delicate floral decorations embroidered in gold.
The finest laces which embellished the tables of amorous dinners and royal parties have surpassed time and the ever changing fashions and, with new motifs, new knots and weaves, they have embellished the table of the middle-class, sometimes with exotic animals, sometimes with simple and gentle flowers, but always with suavity and elegance. Grace and refinement that come back to life , after such a long time, in the soft play of colours and in the lovely traits that characterize the complements for the table conceived by the students of the lyceum. The delicate laces and the gentle colours favour an unusual mixture for a new and outstanding solution, in fact, the craftsmanship and the imaginative laces of Mrs Rita Bargna go hand in hand with the soft colours spread by hand on the organdie by the students of Melotti Lyceum, proposing a modern and enthusiastic table.
From 11 to 25 october 2015
Biblioteca del Liceo Artistico Fausto Melotti
Library of the Art Lyceum Fausto Melotti
from tuesday to saturday
9:30 to 12:30
(This exhibition is located inside a school institution and is open only in the hours allowed by the Ministry of Education.)
Invitation to table from the XVIII century to nowadays.
The exhibition displays items which range from the collections of Mrs Rita Bargna to the studies of the Art Lyceum Melotti.