12th Biennial 2015
Cantù, October 11 – 25, 2015
EXPOsing marvels!
EXPO calls and Cantù replies. “Feed the Planet, Energy for life” is the theme of the great event.And the Committee for the Cantù Lace Promotion is taking this opportunity to prepare tablecloths where to lay the best that Nature and Man have to offer to mankind.
“If you have two pence - an ancient Persian proverb says - “spend one penny for bread, with the other one buy flowers for your soul”.
A tablecloth with laces and embroideries fulfills this latter function: it nourishes the soul, gives joy to the eyes and raises amazement. The tablecloth is Beauty sitting next to us and, if it’s made with Cantù lace, this beauty is also joined by elegance, grace and the finest things of life.
All of this will be seen at the “12th International Biennial Lace Exhibition”, beginning in the second half of October in Cantù.
From April to August the Committee will prepare important “previews” for the EXPO visitors, which will anticipate what is to be shown in October at the Biennial Exhibition in Cantù.
Lace masterpieces, created by well-known designers such as Patricia Urquiola, Luca Scacchetti, Alessandro Mendini, Ugo La Pietra, will be shown in several locations around Milan during the
“Lacing Shows”: itinerant group performances of bobbin lace makers in various location within Milan, will introduce you to the extraordinary work of the lace makers and to the exceptional creativity of contemporary design.They will show you lace masterpieces, created by great designers such as Patricia Urquiola, Luca Scacchetti, Alessandro Mendini, Ugo La Pietra. And by great lace makers. And they will tell you the story of this enchanting art, that brightens up our homes and our tables during important events. They will recount the teachings passed on by mothers to daughters, teachings that survive through time, overcoming the changes of fashion and generations, and the global market.
EXPOsing marvels – THE TABLE
Villa Calvi, via Roma 8 – Cantù
Tue-Sun 9.30 a.m./12.30 p.m. - 2.30 p.m./6.30 p.m.EXPO calls and Cantù replies. “Feed the Planet, Energy for life” is the theme of the great event.
And the Committee for the Cantù Lace Promotion is taking this opportunity to prepare tablecloths where to lay the best that Nature and Man have to offer to mankind.
“If you have two pence - an ancient Persian proverb says - “spend one penny for bread, with the other one buy flowers for your soul”.
A tablecloth with laces and embroideries fulfills this latter function: it nourishes the soul, gives joy to the eyes and raises amazement. The tablecloth is Beauty sitting next to us and, if it’s made with Cantù lace, this beauty is also joined by elegance, grace and the finest things of life.
All of this will be seen at the 12th International Lace Biennial, beginning in the second half of October in Cantù.
The historical section dedicated to the Table will include items for the table such as: tablecloths, tablettes, napkins, glass and bottle pads, centerpieces, laces for trays. In particular, the artifacts exposed will range from the Lombard XVII century to contemporary production. Special attention will be given to the laces produced in Cantù during the XX century.LACE and DESIGN
Cortile delle Ortensie, Via Matteotti 33, Cantù
Tue-Sun 9.30 a.m./12.30 p.m. - 2.30 p.m./6.30 p.m.For this 12th edition of the Biennial we wanted to continue the research that we began in the last event.
The Committee for the Promotion of Cantù Lace has invited the Architects Patricia Urquiola, Alessandro Mendini, Luca Scacchetti and Ugo La Pietra to participate to the event by designing a large size lace for the table.
Some of the projects have already been drawn and the lace makers are working on the support patterns for the lace. They will be “lace masterpieces”, signed by great designers and realized by skilled lace makers. They will tell you the story of this enchanting art, that brightens up our homes and our tables during important events. And will recount a tale of teachings passed on by mothers to daughters, teachings that survive through time, overcoming with style the changes of fashion and generations, and the global market.
ITINERANT GROUP PERFORMANCES OF BOBBIN LACE MAKING.From April to August the Committee for Cantù Lace Promotion will hold important “previews” in order to anticipate and explain to the visitors of EXPO what the 12th International Lace Biennial will be showing in Cantù in October.
The “LACING SHOWS”, itinerant group performances of bobbin lace making will be held in several locations in Milano, to show the extraordinary work of the lace makers and the exceptional creativity of contemporary design. The design laces of former editions of the Biennial will be displayed in a fantastic scenery: a group of bobbin lace makers, drawings, photographs and illustrative boards will reveal what happens “behind the curtains”, before a lace is finished.
Milano 25, 26, 27 March
14.30 - 18.30Tuesday 25 - 2015, 18:00
Lecture by Architect Juhani Pallasmaa
Thinking hands and working hands: nothing could better inspire an architect like Pallasmaa who has always shown a deep interest for the processing skills of our bodies, for traditions and for ancestral values.Following aperitif and Lacing Show seguire aperitivo e Lacing Show
Presso Villa Calvi, via Roma 8 – Cantù
Villa Calvi, via Roma 8 – Cantù
9:30 to 12:30 and 14:30 to 18:30 (from tuesday to sunday)Inside the 2015 Biennial we have devised a section dedicated to the works of contemporary production made by schools in the last years (2014-2015).
This section includes artifacts with a subject not strictly related to the theme of the Table, since schools and associations may have produced laces of a different kind. In order to make the presentation more correct deontologically, the participants who submit their works for display are also asked to provide a brief description, the project, the supporting pattern and the finalized lace.TASTE OF LACE. THE UNDERPLATE
Padiglione Espositivo di Corte San Rocco, Via Matteotti 39 – Cantù
Tue-Sun 9.30 a.m./12.30 p.m. – 2.30 p.m./6.30 p.m.Following the success of the initiative called “collective work for a handkerchief” that was held in the past edition of 2013, we decided to propose the realization of a complement such as “the underplate”. All projects should preferably be new (never before published) and should abide the following canons.
CANONS- measures of the artifact: diameter cm 33 or side cm 33;
- it should be made in cotton, linen, silk or other thread suitable for a lace;
- colour: the colour may range from the optical white to linen colour (ecru-sand);**
- the artifact may be wholly a lace or have a cloth insert of the same colours specified above;
- the underplates to be displayed must be delivered within the month of June if they are already completed, but not beyond the 15th of September 2015.** Updated canons: several lace-makers and directors of schools and associations expressed a desire to realize coloured underplates. The request has been therefore submitted to the Directors’ Council of the Committee which ruled in favour for the use of coloured threads.
Villa Calvi, via Roma 8 – Cantù
Tue-Sun 9.30 a.m./12.30 p.m. – 2.30 p.m./6.30 p.m.The 12th International Lace Biennial will host a section dedicated to “THE CHEFS’ TABLES”.
Some of the most renowned Italian Chefs have been invited to take part to the event by displaying a “Masterpiece Table” preparing a scenery made with complements and services designed by Chefs themselves or deemed by them as the best in beauty and functionality. This will bring to life a truly artistic dressing. These “masterpiece tables” will be a tribute to the qualities and rituals of the Chefs who know how to use the richness of excellent products available avoiding traditional stereotypes.