15-29 October 2017 - Vestements


15th-29th October 2017
Provost Museum of Saint Vincent’s Community, via Annoni 3, Cantù

Tue - Sun 9.30 a.m./12.30 p.m. - 2.30 p.m./6.30 p.m

The Parish of Saint Paul, part of Saint Vincent’s Community, created a museum devoted to religious objects. There, among vestments, liturgical objects and pictures of saints, bobbin lace is on display. Lace-edged albs, surplices and rochets were once worn by priests and prelates to emphasise the sacredness of their actions. Most of the times, lace makers from Cantù gave their works as gifts to the Church on special occasions and feasts.

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Provost Museum of Saint Vincent’s Community,
via Annoni 3, Cantù

15th-29th October 2017
Tue - Sun 9.30 a.m./12.30 p.m. - 2.30 p.m./6.30 p.m

The Parish of Saint Paul, part of Saint Vincent’s Community, created a museum devoted to religious objects. There, among vestments, liturgical objects and pictures of saints, bobbin lace is on display. Lace-edged albs, surplices and rochets were once worn by priests and prelates to emphasise the sacredness of their actions. Most of the times, lace makers from Cantù gave their works as gifts to the Church on special occasions and feasts.

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