Milan, June 25th 2015 PRESS CONFERENCE

Introduction to the 12th International Lace Biennial

Milan, June 25th 2015
11:00 am
office of the Como Business Center - Cardo North at Pavilion Italia (first floor)

It’s a great pleasure for us to inform You of the press conference introducing the 12th International Lace Biennial, organized by the Committee for Cantù Lace Promotion on the occasion of Expo 2015 in the office of Como Business Center at the first floor of Pavilion Italia. We deem that your participation to this event will be indispensable.

Introduction to the 12th International Lace Biennial

Milan, June 25th 2015
11:00 am

office of the Como Business Center
Cardo North at Pavilion Italia (first floor)

It’s a great pleasure for us to inform You of the press conference introducing the 12th International Lace Biennial, organized by the Committee for Cantù Lace Promotion on the occasion of Expo 2015 in the office of Como Business Center at the first floor of Pavilion Italia. We deem that your participation to this event will be indispensable.
Bobbin lace of Cantù: Special Edition for EXPO 2015
The purpose of the project is to promote the art of bobbin lace making of Cantù, an expression of an historical know-how of excellence which is still practiced in the territory of Brianza.
In connection with the 12th International Lace Biennial in Cantù, starting in October 2015, the Committee for Lace Promotion has decided to support a series of events designed as a sort of “exclusive previews” that will anticipate and recount for the visitors of Expo and to the delegations of other countries the extraordinary craftsmanship of our lace makers which also expresses itself in the realization of laces with a contemporary design.
During these performances our lace makers will execute some fragments of laces designed by renowned architects and designers, such as: Patricia Urquiola, Luca Scacchetti, Alessandro Mendini and Ugo La Pietra. These events are part of Merletti & Design, a project promoted by the Committee with the aim of enhancing the value of laces through the execution of unique pieces.
The designs are functional to the realization of a lace for a tablecloth (one for each designer). The tablecloth is considered as the most significant complement in the rites surrounding food consumption in Italy and further it is coherent with the theme of the Expo.
The project is patronaged by the Region Lombardy - DG Culture, Identità, Autonomie within the project E.CH.I Etnografie Italo-Svizzere for the enhancement of the transboundary intangible heritage: ( )

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