Provostal Museum of the Community of St. Vincent – Cantù

logo sanvincenzoFrom 11th to 25th October 2015
Casa Parrocchiale di San Paolo (Parish House of S. Paul)
via Annoni, 3 – Cantù
9:30 to 12:30 and 14:30 to 18:30

Churches in Cantù can boast a vast array of laces which far exceed similar collections in other Italian towns, and in several cases they have maintained an historical continuity and a bond with the local territory which has been lost by other artifacts preserved in private and public collections.

In the last four years St. Paul’s parish of the Community of St. Vincent has established a museum where, amongst several artifacts of a religious nature, such as sacred vestments, lithurgical objects, hagiographical paintings, it is also possible to admire laces which before were rarely taken out of wardrobes (because of their preciousness or problems connected to their preservation). For centuries the skilled hands of the lace makers of Cantù have produced lace edges which were donated as a sign of devotion to their churches and many valuable items of this kind are here displayed.

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In the museum you will also admire the great canopy used in processions (though disassembled) which was made and donated by the citizenship and used in solemn processions in the past. The great size of the canopy required a unanimous cooperation for the making of this token of local devotion. Also, as far as style and technique are concerned, the Canopy summarizes the best virtues of the lace industry of Cantù; according to testimonies the design is attributed to Luigi Radice, owner of the Manifatture Riunite Merletti, the patterns for the realization of the bobbin lace were then made by Angelo Colombo also known as “Bighìn”.

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