Sabato 21 Ottobre 2017

Sala Rossi - Villa Calvi



15th-29th October 2017
Provost Museum of Saint Vincent’s Community, via Annoni 3, Cantù

Tue - Sun 9.30 a.m./12.30 p.m. - 2.30 p.m./6.30 p.m

The Parish of Saint Paul, part of Saint Vincent’s Community, created a museum devoted to religious objects. There, among vestments, liturgical objects and pictures of saints, bobbin lace is on display. Lace-edged albs, surplices and rochets were once worn by priests and prelates to emphasise the sacredness of their actions. Most of the times, lace makers from Cantù gave their works as gifts to the Church on special occasions and feasts.

veste 1veste 2


Dal 16 al 23 Dicembre 2016
Mostra presso la sede del Comitato per la Promozione del merletto

Cantù - Corte san Rocco, via Matteotti 39/a

Orari: 10-13, 14-18 - lunedì 19 chiuso - entrata libera


13 th International Lace Biennial

Cantù: october 15 - 29 2017

Possibly more now than in the past, women seek spaces of their own, private spaces where they can find concrete ways to express their sensitivity, refinement and even their sensuality.
In these spaces lace is the true protagonist – as it has to be for what is beautiful and able to charm, amaze and seduce. Indeed, lace is a concrete element which makes every woman extraordinary and makes her feel an imagined, possibly dreamt-of silhouette.


Il Comitato per la promozione del Merletto - Cantù
in collaborazione con il Villaggio Capo Ferrato
al 27 maggio al 2 giugno 2017
un soggiorno in Sardegna
presso il Villaggio Capo Ferrato, Costa Rei
in pensione completa

In vacanza Intrecciando fili e parole. Nelle prime ore pomeridiane, le merlettaie potranno fare merletto in compagnia in un ambiente a loro dedicato.


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