
From 11 to 25 october 2015
Biblioteca del Liceo Artistico Fausto Melotti
Library of the Art Lyceum Fausto Melotti
from tuesday to saturday
9:30 to 12:30
(This exhibition is located inside a school institution and is open only in the hours allowed by the Ministry of Education.)

Invitation to table from the XVIII century to nowadays.
The exhibition displays items which range from the collections of Mrs Rita Bargna to the studies of the Art Lyceum Melotti.


logo sanvincenzoFrom 11th to 25th October 2015
Casa Parrocchiale di San Paolo (Parish House of S. Paul)
via Annoni, 3 – Cantù
9:30 to 12:30 and 14:30 to 18:30

Churches in Cantù can boast a vast array of laces which far exceed similar collections in other Italian towns, and in several cases they have maintained an historical continuity and a bond with the local territory which has been lost by other artifacts preserved in private and public collections.


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